Jim Milne
Little Stik
Tom, scratch
Butterfly II
OS FS26, 1996
Carl, scratch
Butterfly II
OS FS26, 1997
Archie Gribben
FunFly Knife
Steve, readying
the Dynaflight
Butterfly III, 1997
Jim Milne
Butterfly II
Windy 1997
Jim Milne
Butterfly II
Ooops!!!!! 1997
Steve & Tom
Laughing at
something...... 1997
Steve, Jane &
Janice. Coffee
time. 1997
Tom & Joe
Flight line. 1997
Sunday BBQ
Fly & Fry
Jim Milne
Little Stik
Jim Milne, scratch
Butterfly II
Jim & John
Twin Butterflies
A lazy Sunday
Tom, electric
Jonny Bee 15min
flights. 1999
Tom aka Ram Man
at work on
the field 2002
100% scale
on takeoff
Aug 2002
100% scale
Aug 2002
Darrell & Tom
Its' up there,
Dan Paju
Sig Kadet Senior
Sept 2002
John Clarke
LairdAir Xlerator
Sept 2002
Chewin' the fat
Subway too!
Sept 2002
Rehashing the
day's flying
Sept 2002
More fat chewin'
& BS'n'
Sept 2002
Jim Milne
1/2A Dallaire
Sept 2002
Jim Milne
1/2A Dallaire
Sept 2002
Steve & Tom
"Aeronuts" 1st Flight
Jan 01, 2003
Jim "Deuce" Diakow
Butterfly II
May 07,2003
Jim "Deuce'"
Uke Air Force
May 07, 2003
Jim D's BF II
home safe
May 07, 2003
Steve Bachanek
readying BF III
May 07, 2003
Steve B's
May 07, 2003
Steve B's
BF on approach
May 07, 2003
Steve B. with
his Butterfly
May 07, 2003
Jim's Dallaire
ready to go.
May 07, 2003
Jim Milne
1/2A Dallaire
May 07, 2003
Jim & Jane
Butterfly II
May 07, 2003
Jim Milne's
Butterfly resting
May 07, 2003
Jim Milne
Butterfly II
May 07, 2003
Some of
the gang.
May 07, 2003
More of
the gang.
May 07, 2003
Joe Dolcetti
Firebird Twin
Early May 2003
Steve & Don
The paint gang.
May 24, 2003
Some of the
"Roller Gang"
May 24, 2003
Jim, Jim, & John
May 24, 2003
Jim Milne
May 24, 2003
Darrell Watt
"On a Roll"
May 24, 2003
Jim "Ace" &
Jim "Cubed"
May 24, 2003
Jim & Don
May 24, 2003
In search
of ........?
May 24, 2003
....... Crash
May 24, 2003
Our field.
Looking West
June 01, 2003
Our field.
Looking East
June 01, 2003
Our field.
The pits.
June 01, 2003
Our field
June 01, 2003
John Clarke's
Top Cap
June 11, 2003
Jim "Cubed"
and John
June 11, 2003
Steve & Don
Don's 1st Flight
June 11, 2003
Jim Ace's Latest
What.....a Bipe?
July 02, 2003
Jim "Cubed" 1st
Flight Hangar 9 Cub
July 23, 2003
Test Pilot & Pilot
Jims' "Ace" & "Cubed"
July 23, 2003
Dan's Norseman
Unionville Kit
August 06, 2003
Dan's Norseman
OS 1.20FS Power
August 06, 2003
Jim "Ace" & Don
1st Flight Xtra Easy II
August 13, 2003
Don's Family &
Cheering Section
August 13, 2003
Jim "Ace"
Teaching Don
August 31, 2003
Don's Xtra Easy II
on final approach
August 31, 2003
Jim's new Seniorita
Dope & Fabric
August 31, 2003
Ken McMillan's
Sig Somethin' Extra
Sept. 10, 2003
Jim Deuce'
Goldberg Eaglet
Sept. 17, 2003
Jim & Joe
Readying Firebird
Sept. 17, 2003
Jim Ace Smilin'
Joe's Puzzled??
Sept. 17, 2003
Body English Jim
Flyin' Joe's Firebird
Sept. 17, 2003
Joe's Firebird
on flyby
Sept. 17, 2003
Joe's Firebird
Sept. 17, 2003
Oct. 05, 2003
Speaks for
Oct. 05, 2003
Oct. 05, 2003
Oct. 05, 2003
Are they
Oct. 05, 2003
Oct. 05, 2003
Jim "Ace"
Plane Search
April 06, 2004
Jims' Ace,
Deuce, Steve
May 18, 2004
Tuesday Morning
at the Field
May 18, 2004
May 18, 2004
Jims' Ace
& Deuce
May 18, 2004
Holy Smoke!
Toms' Flyin'
May 18, 2004
Jim Ace
Kadet Senior
June 02, 2004
Jim's Kadet
OS 40FS Power
June 02, 2004
Steve welcoming
a Kitfox
June 02, 2004
Murray Hanna's
100% Kitfox
June 02, 2004
June 02, 2004
Kitfox saying
June 02, 2004
Treed Butterfly
June 20, 2004
It's only
40' Up
June 20, 2004
The resulting
June 20, 2004
Final Score
Tree 1, Plane 0
June 20, 2004
Jamie Siegers
Rainbow E Glider
July 28, 2004
Jamie ready
to launch
June 28, 2004
Jamie's "E"
Cessna. Wow!
Aug 04, 2004
Cessna 150
take-off roll
Aug 04, 2004
Cessna 150
@ rotate
Aug 04, 2004
Joe & Jim
"E" Park Pilot
Aug 08, 2004
What happens
Aug 15, 2004
elastics fail.
Aug 15, 2004
Do bears $h!t
in the woods?
Aug 18, 2004
.....Yup! After
they eat a wing.
Aug 18, 2004
Mark a new
pilot & Archie
Sept. 8, 2004
John Clarke's
Playboy Senior
Sept. 22, 2004
A tribute to
Roger Mowbray
Sept. 22, 2004
John's Playboy
on final.
Sept. 22, 2004
Martin Henny's
Eagle 2
Oct. 27, 2004
Martin, Jim
& the Eagle 2
Oct. 27, 2004
Jim readying
the Butterfly
Nov. 14, 2004
Jim starting
the Butterfly
Nov. 14, 2004
Jamie & Steve
on the line.
Nov. 14, 2004
Nov. 14, 2004
Steve, Tom, Jamie
"Aeronuts" 1st flight
Jan. 01, 2005
Yes... We
really did fly.
Jan. 01, 2005
Steve, from the
warmth of the truck.
Jan. 01, 2005
The field in
its' winter splendor.
Jan. 01, 2005
Martin Henny
readying a Kadet
June 01, 2005
Taxiing for
its' maiden flight.
June 01, 2005
Kadet Senior "ARF"
by Sig.
June 01, 2005
On flyby.
A beautiful kit
June 01, 2005
On final.
Yup! Its' deadstick.
June 01, 2005
Martin Henny
proud owner.
June 01, 2005
Jim "Ace" test
pilot and Martin.
June 01, 2005
Jamie & John
Twin Omeis.
June 15, 2005
Omei flyby.
Prop folded.
June 15, 2005
Oh my!! Jamie
does a low pass.
June 15, 2005
Jamie launching
his Omei.
June 15, 2005
John's "E" Quaker
on a low pass.
June 15, 2005
1:1 scale Regional
Jet over our field.
June 15, 2005
Jamie's got the
right idea.
June 22, 2005
Jim "Duece"
looks pensive.
June 22, 2005
A "Pooch" pilot
in a Tiger II.
June 22, 2005
Jim "Ace's"
Seniorita in flight..
June 22, 2005
at liftoff.
June 22, 2005
The end
July 05, 2005
Another great
evening at the field.
July 13, 2005
Our landlord's
1:1 scale.
July 13, 2005
Jamie's 3 meter
another EBay deal.
July 31, 2005
The 3 meter
in flight.
July 31, 2005
1:1 scale
on approach.
July 31, 2005
Jim "Ace" Milne's
new Sig Kadet Senior.
Aug. 14, 2005
Aug. 14, 2005
Aug. 14, 2005
Jim Deuce' cranks
his Tiger II.
Aug. 14, 2005
Jamie's "E"
Aug. 28, 2005
Warbird over
Slate River.
Aug. 28, 2005
Aug. 28, 2005
Jamie & John
Pair o' twins.
Aug. 28, 2005
Mr. Red Fox
Our field mascot.
Sept. 07, 2005
Ken McMillan's
Sept. 14, 2005
Jim "Ace" Milne's
Kadet in flight.
Oct. 10, 2005
Jim "Deuce" takes
off the Tiger II.
Oct. 10, 2005
Jamie's "E"
Cessna on skis.
Jan 01, 2006
Jamie's "E"
Cessna taking-off.
Jan 01, 2006
Jamie's "E"
Cessna in flight.
Jan 01, 2006
Jamie's "E"
Cessna landing.
Jan 01, 2006
A "pair" of
Jan 01, 2006
John's "E"
Quaker on skis.
Jan 01, 2006
It's all in the
body English, John!
Jan 01, 2006
John's "E"
Quaker taking-off.
Jan 01, 2006
Dave Thomson
Sig Kadet Senior
May 22, 2006
Tom Hoy's
Unionville Otter.
May 31, 2006
in Flight.
May 31, 2006
Search Party
May 31, 2006
Aerial Shot
of our Field.
June 03, 2006
Courtesy of
Dave Thompson.
June 03, 2006
Platform, GWS
June 03, 2006
...And a Cheap
1.3MP Digi Cam.
June 03, 2006
East End & Entrance
to our Field.
June 03, 2006
Northeast &
Beaver Pond.
June 03, 2006
West End
of our Field.
June 03, 2006
Martin "Outstanding"
in his Field!
June 07, 2006
Martin's Kadet
Turning Final.
June 07, 2006
Martin's Kadet
on Final.
June 07, 2006
John's "E"
Powered P-51
June 07, 2006
Allan Boyes' Full
Size Cessna 150.
June 12, 2006
Allan Boyes'
on Final.
June 12, 2006
Allan Boyes'
Almost Down.
June 12, 2006
Allan Boyes'
June 12, 2006
Allan Boyes'
From Below.
June 12, 2006
Cal prepares to
launch the Hawk.
June 14, 2006
Cal looks
June 14, 2006
Archie's Lazy Bee
OS .15LA Power.
June 14, 2006
Tom Hoy's
CMP P-47
June 14, 2006
Dave Thomsons's
Kadet Senior
June 14, 2006
Dave's Kadet
in Flight.
June 14, 2006
Dave's Senior
Telemaster ARF
June 14, 2006
Dave's Telemaster
at Take-Off.
June 14, 2006
June 14, 2006
Jamie's 1.6M
"E" Monton.
June 14, 2006
The Monton
Makes a Low Pass.
June 14, 2006
Murray Hanna's
Kit Fox on Final.
June 14, 2006
Murray & the "Fox"
Stop in For a Visit.
June 14, 2006
Tom's Elder
1st Flight
June 28, 2006
Yes... It's
June 28, 2006
June 28, 2006
A Happy
(Relieved) Tom ☺
June 28, 2006
Jim's All Black
Butterfly II
July 02, 2006
Ken McMillan's
Cap 232
Sept.13, 2006
The Happy
New Year Gang!
January 01, 2007
Jim ready for
January 01, 2007
Jamie's "Canada"
Thermal Charger
January 01, 2007
Carvin' a
January 01, 2007
You can't fly
through a fence!
January 01, 2007
Surveying the
January 01, 2007
Jamie's "E"
January 01, 2007
Jim's Kadet
in flight
January 01, 2007
Search & Rescue
January 01, 2007
John's "E"
January 01, 2007
This "Butt's"
for You!
January 01, 2007
Jamie's GWS "E"
Slow Stick
January 01, 2007
Slow Stick
January 01, 2007
Slow Stick
Comin' at Ya!
January 01, 2007
Ken Checkin'
Out Tom's "Spit."
May 09, 2007
Jamie Launches
John's Twinstar.
May 09, 2007
John's "E" Twinstar
In Flight.
May 09, 2007
Steve Readies
His Butterfly.
June 13, 2007
Are Free.
June 13, 2007
June 13, 2007
Randy's E-Flite
Profile Bipe.
June 13, 2007
Martin &
June 13, 2007
Dave Readies His
Sig Rascal 110.
July 04, 2007
Powered by Saito
1.50 Four Stroke.
July 04, 2007
Rascal Ready
For Take-Off.
July 04, 2007
July 04, 2007
In Flight.
July 04, 2007
Rascal On
July 04, 2007
Rascal Almost
July 04, 2007
MAAC President
Richard Barlow.
July 11, 2007
Richard Launches
His "MilliAmptique."
July 11, 2007
Richard Flying
the "MilliAmptique."
July 11, 2007
Bob Breckenridge
Gives It a Whirl.
July 11, 2007
On Final.
July 11, 2007
You Can Never
Have Enough Glue...
July 11, 2007
Rod Mackenzie's
EAA Bipe
August 29, 2007
Rod's EAA Bipe
August 29, 2007
EAA Bipe
August 29, 2007
EAA Bipe
on Final
August 29, 2007
Rod Mackenzie's
Proud Owner/Builder
August 29, 2007
Rod & Jim
August 29, 2007
Tom Hoy's
November 04, 2007
Martin to the
November 04, 2007
30+ Feet Up.
November 04, 2007
2008 1st Flight
of the year.
January 01, 2008
Jim tries to
light the stove.
January 01, 2008
John's Slowstick
on floats!!!
January 01, 2008
Yup! Floats
on snow!!!
January 01, 2008
John attempts
January 01, 2008
Tom Hoy's
"E" Seawind
July 22, 2008
Rod Mackenzie's
August 05, 2008